Tunbridge Wells Motor Club has been promoting grass roots motorsport for 114 years. It is one of the oldest motor clubs in the country and has been involved in many facets of the sport.

Today it is mostly involved in running an Evening Autotest Series and Sprinting with its own Sprint Championship. It also organises lots of non-competitive and social events including The Wells Run, a navigational road run for classic and sports cars.

Club Night – Natter

The George, Frant

All Circuit Sprint Championship,
registration is now open

Special Events

Saturday 15 FebruaryAll Circuit PresentationBowls Club, TWells
Tuesday 15 April AGMThe George, Frant
Sunday 17 AugustThe Wells RunStarts TWells

Non Sporting, Club Nights

Tuesday 4 FebruaryNatterThe George, Frant
Tuesday 4 March QuizThe George, Frant
Tuesday 1 AprilNatterTBC
Tuesday 6 MayCar meet / natterNevill Crest & Gun
Tuesday 3 June   Pub WalkThe George, Frant
Tuesday 1 JulyMini Wells RunThe George, Frant
Sunday 13 JulyCar MeetCrowborough Rugby Club
Tuesday 5 AugustOpen EveningNevill Crest & Gun
Tuesday 2 SeptemberPuzzle HuntThe George, Frant
Tuesday 7 OctoberQuizThe George, Frant
Tuesday 4 NovemberFireworksTD, Bells Yew Green
Tuesday 2  DecemberNatter/SupperThe George, Frant


Tuesday 20 MayEvening AutotestGabriels Farm, Edenbridge
Tuesday 17 June Evening AutotestGabriels Farm, Edenbridge
Saturday 12 JulySprintLydden with B19,SDMC,MMK
Tuesday 15 July Evening AutotestGabriels Farm, Edenbridge
Tuesday 12 AugustEvening AutotestGabriels Farm, Edenbridge
Sunday 14 SeptemberAutotest Final/PicnicGabriels Farm, Edenbridge
Saturday 27 SeptemberSprintGoodwood with SDMC
Wells Run
Bill Johnson
Tunbridge Wells Motor Club
TWMC logo

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