TWMC’s own championship based on race circuits

The All Circuit Sprint Championship is largely based around race circuits in the south. It also visits Snetterton in Norfolk, Pembrey in Wales and Wiltshire for the Gurston Down Hillclimb.

AC Dates 2025

29 MarchCadwell ParkBARC Midlands
Regs and Entry Form
26 AprilGoodwood (Regis Sprint)Bognor Regis MC
Regs and Entry Form
3 MayGoodwood (Figaty Sprint)​Brighton & Hove MC
Regs and Entry Form
7 JunePembrey​BARC Wales
8 JunePembrey​BARC Wales
14 June​Gurston Down HillclimbBARC SW
15 June​Gurston Down HillclimbBARC SW
12 JulyLydden HillTWMC/7oaks/B19/M&MKCC
Regs | Entry Form
26 July​Castle CombeBristol MC
2 August​Goodwood (Eagle Sprint)​Brighton & Hove MC
23 AugustSnettertonBARC
24 AugustSnettertonBARC
7 SeptemberHethalBorough 19 MC
27 SeptemberGoodwoodTWMC & Sevenoaks MC

Championship Results 2024

Brad Coales9888898*99108*78
Paula Goodwin11101010101011111310*96 Class winner
Bruce Aitken101412121212111212107 Third O/A
Richard Darnell 10131010121210915101 Class winner
Stuart Leach121315141012121213101 Champion
Mike Edwards111414101210121313109 Second O/A
Chris Judge101525 Class winner
James Flatt1515 Class winner
Alex Peters15101511111173 Class winner
Chris George10111132
Tony Hawkins121111121258 Class winner
Pete Vincent1111 Class winner
Julian Heap1411101210111482
Mark Cheevers89117987968
Simon Neill10141491312131297 Class winner
Clive Suggitt13151543
John Rawlins131012131260 Class winner
Tim Simpson1212101246 Class winner
Nicholas Olson1111101244 Class winner
Graham Kendall131023 Class winner
Mike Payne119101040 Class winner
Clive Wooster111526
Tony Beesley111014141113141097 Class winner
Mark Crookall151530
Malcolm Boorman1011121111101075 Class winner
* dropped round

Taking Part – Sprints

Sprints and Hillclimbs are two similar branches of motor sport that both take place on a smooth sealed surface over a measured distance against the clock. Cars start separately, although there may be up to three cars on the course at any one time. Sprints are open to virtually any car from a perfectly standard road going car to single seater racing cars, divided into classes by types and engine capacity. TWMC sprints are held at race circuits, but some clubs hold events on airfields or private estate driveways (Hillclimbs). For sprints two or three runs are made to go around the circuit for one or two laps.

A Hillclimb differs to a sprint in that the course is not a circuit and the start and finish are at different places.

You then need to apply to Motorsport UK for your RS Inter Club Competition Licence, available to anyone aged 16 or above.

As a minimum, you will be required to wear a helmet, flame-resistant overalls and gloves to approved standards. Details can be found in section S and section K of the Motorsport UK Yearbook.

Technical regulations for Sprints & Hill Climbs are found in section S of the Motorsport UK Yearbook

American car sprinting
Tunbridge Wells Motor Club
TWMC logo

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